Come along with us and see the first two weeks of our journey to Uganda.We begin in...
Chicago- a great time of visiting friends
Bethany and Rachael came with us to the airport to say good-bye :) |
Exploring the sights of downtown Chicago with Starbucks in hand
London- We were able to head out into the city and see firsthand some of England's culture.
The Beautiful Kensington Gardens |
"Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2
After miles of round-about walking, inquiring for directions, and a few stops along the way we finally made it to
"You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!" The Peter Pan Statue

The Island-This Saturday we went with Kate and Micah to
meet the people there and learn more about their everyday lives.

We spent the day with Medina and her family she made us lunch-fried fish, cassava, and hot milk with sugar. Her family was very friendly and hospitable.

We spent the day playing games with these kids: ring around the rosy, hide sand seek, and some African games too! They were full of smiles and laughter!
Last Saturday we went to the village to partake in a
Ugandan wedding.
The day was filled with smiles, dancing, lively children, plenty of food, and lots of laughter!

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