We made it! We have now been here for just over a week, a week filled with new experiences! Visiting Masesse, going to a Ugandan wedding in the village, learning our way around Jinja, exploring the banks Nile, navigating the market, meeting new friends... What a blessing! It seems we have learned so much, but at the same time there is still so much that is unknown. When we recognize the unknown, it gives us an opportunity to trust.
I don't know why I'm here, but God does. It is safe to trust. Sometimes I feel lost and I don't know where I am, but God does and He will give me strength. It is safe to trust. I miss my family, but I know God is enough. It is safe to trust.
Trust, trust, trust... What does it mean to trust someone completely? This concept has been running circles through my mind lately. Today I read Genesis 22, about Abraham. Talk about trust. Imagine being 99 years old, having no children, but being told that your offspring would be more numerous than the stars and a blessing to the whole, entire world. Abraham trusted that God's Word was true, in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Then, when his son, Isaac, was born (a miracle!) God told him to sacrifice him, to take his son, his only son, the heir to God's promise, to take him to the top of Mount Moriah and slaughter him as a burnt offering. How incomprehensibly terrible! Abraham didn't understand, but He trusted in his Father's chesed, His steadfast, always and forever love. Abraham trusted God. How I long to trust like Abraham, to trust to Him the unknown. It's a growing process.
We have been busy since getting here to Uganda, a good kind of busy, full of blessing. It's hard to process all the feelings I have experienced since arriving her, but most of all I have had a sometimes overwhelming sense of hope...all encompassing hope of eager expectation. We are so excited to see how God continues to work here! We don't know exactly what kind of ministry we will be involved with during our time here yet, but we don't have to know or understand. God knows. He has a plan and He will be faithful to fulfill it in us.
Please continue to pray as we find where we fit in God's plan for ministry here, that He would be guiding us to exactly where He wants us to use our time and energy. Please pray also that we would continue to trust the unknown to our all knowing Heavenly Father.
Katonda Yeba Zibwe!
- Lydia and Ruth