Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today it's raining. Now, in case you don't know, when it rains in Jinja most things kind of shut down and people stay inside. If you have plans and it starts to rain, it's generally assumed that they are cancelled or will be rescheduled for another time. So, today it's raining and my plans for the day have been pushed to the side. After dancing in the downpour, playing with our dogs, climbing up the lotus tree to sit and smell the freshness of the flowers as thunder sounds in the heavens and mud puddles appear on the earth, I decided today would be the perfect day to write an update. Yeah, I know, it's about time.

Things have been going well. Ruth and I feel so blessed to be here and have the privilege of seeing God at work in Uganda. One of the highlights of our week is getting to disciple a group of teenage girls each Saturday afternoon.

Building relationships with these girls has been a source of great joy for both of us as we all grow closer to our Lord together. One of the passages we've gone through is Genesis 24, the story of Isaac and Rebekah.

 After reading it together, we asked what some of the truths they saw were. Linisie, in her gentle, soft spoken way said, "God loves us, so he wants what is best for us, and he put us in our families for that reason." Linisie always makes me smile. She likes to play Go Fish, loves to learn new things, and desires to know her God better.

Isn't it great how God's perfect plan involves relationships and families? I'm so thankful we have a relational God, who we can know and also be known by.

Some other things I'm thankful for:
Strong tea
Your prayers
Wind (the unseen manifested)
Playful puppies
Fuzzy socks (yes, it does get cold here!)
Skype calls

And, these girls:

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